Investments simulator

by GiPiLab



How much will this X% investment bring me after N months?

The investment simulator designed by the "Laboratoire de Recherche pour le Dévelopemment Local" facilitates making any investment decision.nnMain Featuresnn- Display of answers in the form of an investment table:nn Instead of providing a response of the type: how much interest will I get if I put [sum] for [t] to [%] = [reply], the investment simulator proposes a table containing the periodic distribution of [ ] over the entire duration of the investment.nn- Monthly or bi-monthly breakdown of acquired profitability:nn The investment table, counterpart amortization schedule established for a loan, allows to know the amount of interest accrued at the end of each period, depending on whether the investment is madenn- Payments or withdrawals:nn The simulator distinguishes between original and invested capital and prohibits periodic withdrawals with a forecast sum greater than the original capital.nn- Graphical comparisons:nn A graphical tool makes it possible to compare several investments to anticipate the best profitability given initial parameters likely to influence the decision to the wrong choice.nnThis simulator is an open-source software, its source code is freely available at